Program Fees
If you are familiar with our booking process you can jump straight to Peek here:
Wetlands Diversity
What is so important about a wetland? Come explore our reserve and learn about this diverse ecosystem through observation and activities. Discussions and observations surrounding the wetland habitat and it’s inhabitants will be the primary focus. This program is appropriate at any time of year.
Beavers Plus
Learn about the special features that beavers have to help accommodate their watery lifestyle – clear eyelids, webbed feet, and more! Explore beaver habitat, hunt for beaver clues, and discuss the part they play in creating and maintaining wetland habitats. This program is appropriate at any time of year.
Pond Prowl
For grades 3+! This informative program with dip netting will give students a real field experience as they explore pond ecology. Learn about the life cycles and habitats of some of the special creatures that make up our pond community. This program can be booked at any time of year, but is best in the fall and the spring.
Bug Hunt
Compare and contrast spiders, insects, and multi-legged critters (millipedes and centipedes). Come meet them all in this hands on exploratory program which can be booked in the fall and the spring (spiders are particularly abundant in the fall).
Fabulous Frogs
An exploration of amphibian habitat gives and opportunity to see some fabulous frogs, learn some fabulous froggy facts, and hear some fabulous froggy sounds. Did you know that frogs have teeth? Best booked in the months of April through June.
Hectic Herons
Get a close up look at hundreds of nesting Pacific Great Blue Heron and observe their unique behaviors. Learn about their habitat, adaptations, life cycle, and diets. The best heron viewing is March to May, although they remain on their nests into July.
Plants and Pollinators
A discovery of plants native to the Great Blue Heron Reserve and the Pollinators that help them to reproduce. Learn about the importance of pollinators to the ecosystem and the species of plants that they provide food for them including trees and other vegetation.
Feathered Friends
Students will explore diversity in birds and be to introduced to the concept of bird watching and identification. Students will learn how birds differ from other animals and what unique features make them so abundant, then visit several spots on the reserve to observe various species and families of birds.
Salmon Stories
Take a look at the salmon life cycle through storyboards, cooperative activities and observations of our spawning channels from our fabulous salmon observation platform. Releasing fry in the spring? Consider a fall/winter trip to the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve to compliment your classroom salmon experience. The best salmon viewing is in November and December.
Outrageously Rare
Check out the wetland habitat and learn about local Species at Risk. This fun and interactive program introduces a serious concept. Students will learn why some animals are at risk and some of the things we can do to help. This program can be booked in any season.
Wildlife Art
These one hour workshops use a variety of techniques to create works of art depicting wildlife. Local artists share their expertise & enthusiasm with your students. Three mini art lessons introduce sketching, painting and cartooning. Art projects can be linked to a specific outdoor program (ie frogs, bugs) or a special interest (ie bats, cougars). Please reach out to John, our art instructor directly if you have a request for a specific lesson or medium (pencil, acrylic, watercolour etc.) at [email protected].
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Classes are offered for two to three groups at a time. Please note that we can only accommodate one group of students for art classes per hour, as we only have one classroom set up to teach art. Nature programs can be taught up to 2 at a time or 3 at a time if there is no art class scheduled. See below for an example of how we schedule multiple group bookings:
*If you are not able to process payment via credit card at the time of booking – please contact us at: [email protected]
Please contact us BEFORE booking if you plan to book with a card you do not wish us to charge.